To be young and in love, in Southern California. A blog about my adventures and foodie finds, with a creative mind. But first... coffee!

Behind The Blog

Who am I? You may ask? 
I'm a born and raised, 28 years old, Southern California girl. Living the Cali dream of beaches, outdoor adventures, foodie finds, and more! 

My husband Blake (aka the man) and I have been together for quit some time now. Married back on January 18th, 2008. He's a grunt veteran from the US Marine Corps, who shockingly turned into an accountant. Looks and brains ladies! I'm a lucky gal. He definitely keeps me on my toes but knows how to calm the storm.

Ah! My whole world. We are blessed with two beautiful, smart, independent little ladies. Oh boy, do they drive me nuts some days, but the Lord knows how much I love these munchkins!

Diva Olivia (3), AKA Livy. 
This little sass keeps me on edge! Tom boy for sure. Even the Tower of Terror from Disneyland wasn't enough excitement for this girl. Don't let the tough girl attitude fool you though, if her clothes don't match and hair isn't perfect it is a FULL on MELT DOWN! 

Little Miss Aria Lynn (1), AKA squishy.
 Definitely the most sensitive out of all of us, but just play some music and this little gal will start rocking out! She will definitely be more of a girly girl... But she definitely doesn't let the other bigger kids push her around. 

OH MY! Now don't get me wrong, I love my human babies more than life itself, but this little fur-member is my partner in crime. Meet Belle. She was born on April 20th, 20016 and already pushing 100lbs. Now this "little" goofball is such a sweetheart! She thinks she is the Momma of the house though. I pretty much take her anywhere that I'm "allowed" to take her. One thing you will learn fast about me, is that I love LOVE dogs.

I'm a SAHM (stay at home mom) but don't let that title fool you. On top of blogging, raising little humans, keeping the house in order, and being the awesome wife that I am. I'm a pretty down-to-earth type of person. Being ambitious makes me an out-going type of person. Traveling, exploring new places. Finding new food finds is always a perk! I mean who doesn't like food?! INSANE people.

Living the Southern California dream with great weather all year around, is such a blessing! I have my snowboarding close by, beaches to tan, tubing on the boat and mountains to take on. Who wouldn't want to live here? I mean, besides the downfall of L.A. traffic I guess, but we even have Disneyland! That makes up for it right?!

Hopefully this will get you up to speed and a little background about my family and I. Be sure to check me out on all the social media outlets! 

Thanks for following me!

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